

HeChuangJun约 3531 字大约 12 分钟


  • 对于每个节点 N,其左子树的所有节点的值都小于 N 的值,右子树的所有节点的值都大于 N 的值。
  • 查找操作:从根节点开始,如果要查找的值小于当前节点的值,则进入左子树;如果大于当前节点的值,则进入右子树;如果等于当前节点的值,则找到该值。
    时间复杂度平均为O(log n),最坏情况下为O(n)(当树退化为链表时)。
  • 插入操作:从根节点开始,依次比较键值,将新节点插入到合适的位置,以保持树的性质。时间复杂度平均为O(log n),最坏情况下为O(n)。
  • 删除操作:分为三种情况:删除叶节点、删除只有一个子节点的节点、删除有两个子节点的节点。删除有两个子节点的节点时,需要找到其前驱或后继节点来替代它的位置。
    时间复杂度平均为O(log n),最坏情况下为O(n)。
  • 中序遍历(In-order Traversal):得到的节点序列是递增排序的
  • 前序遍历(Pre-order Traversal)和后序遍历(Post-order Traversal):用于特定的树操作和应用场景。
 * This file contains an implementation of a Binary Search Tree (BST) Any comparable data is allowed
 * within this tree (numbers, strings, comparable Objects, etc...). Supported operations include
 * adding, removing, height, and containment checks. Furthermore, multiple tree traversal Iterators
 * are provided including: 1) Preorder traversal 2) Inorder traversal 3) Postorder traversal 4)
 * Levelorder traversal
public class BinarySearchTree<T extends Comparable<T>> {

  private int nodeCount = 0;

  private Node root = null;

  private class Node {
    T data;
    Node left, right;

    public Node(Node left, Node right, T elem) {
      this.data = elem;
      this.left = left;
      this.right = right;

  public boolean isEmpty() { return size() == 0; }

  public int size() { return nodeCount; }

  // Add an element to this binary tree. Returns true if we successfully perform an insertion
  public boolean add(T elem) {
    // Check if the value already exists in this binary tree, if it does ignore adding it
    if (contains(elem)) return false;

    // Otherwise add this element to the binary tree
    root = add(root, elem);
    return true;

  // Private method to recursively(递归) add a value in the binary tree
  private Node add(Node node, T elem) {//返回子树的根节点

    // Base case: found a leaf node
    if (node == null) {
      node = new Node(null, null, elem);

    } else {
      // Pick a subtree to insert element
      if (elem.compareTo(node.data) < 0) {
        node.left = add(node.left, elem);
      } else {
        node.right = add(node.right, elem);

    return node;

  // Remove a value from this binary tree if it exists, O(n)
  public boolean remove(T elem) {

    // Make sure the node we want to remove
    // actually exists before we remove it
    if (contains(elem)) {
      root = remove(root, elem);
      return true;
    return false;

  private Node remove(Node node, T elem) {//返回值 node 表示当前递归调用返回的子树根节点

    if (node == null) return null;

    int cmp = elem.compareTo(node.data);

    // Dig into left subtree, the value we're looking
    // for is smaller than the current value
    if (cmp < 0) {
      node.left = remove(node.left, elem);

      // Dig into right subtree, the value we're looking
      // for is greater than the current value
    } else if (cmp > 0) {
      node.right = remove(node.right, elem);

      // Found the node we wish to remove
    } else {

      // This is the case with only a right subtree or
      // no subtree at all. In this situation just
      // swap the node we wish to remove with its right child.
      if (node.left == null) {

        Node rightChild = node.right;

        node.data = null;
        node = null;

        return rightChild;

        // This is the case with only a left subtree or
        // no subtree at all. In this situation just
        // swap the node we wish to remove with its left child.
      } else if (node.right == null) {

        Node leftChild = node.left;

        node.data = null;
        node = null;

        return leftChild;

        // When removing a node from a binary tree with two links the
        // successor of the node being removed can either be the largest
        // value in the left subtree or the smallest value in the right
        // subtree. In this implementation I have decided to find the
        // smallest value in the right subtree which can be found by
        // traversing as far left as possible in the right subtree.
      } else {

        // Find the leftmost node in the right subtree
        Node tmp = findMin(node.right);

        // Swap the data
        node.data = tmp.data;

        // Go into the right subtree and remove the leftmost node we
        // found and swapped data with. This prevents us from having
        // two nodes in our tree with the same value.
        node.right = remove(node.right, tmp.data);

        // If instead we wanted to find the largest node in the left
        // subtree as opposed to smallest node in the right subtree
        // here is what we would do:
        // Node tmp = findMax(node.left);
        // node.data = tmp.data;
        // node.left = remove(node.left, tmp.data);


    return node;

  // Helper method to find the leftmost node (which has the smallest value)
  private Node findMin(Node node) {
    while (node.left != null) node = node.left;
    return node;

  // Helper method to find the rightmost node (which has the largest value)
  private Node findMax(Node node) {
    while (node.right != null) node = node.right;
    return node;

  // returns true is the element exists in the tree
  public boolean contains(T elem) {
    return contains(root, elem);

  // private recursive method to find an element in the tree
  private boolean contains(Node node, T elem) {

    // Base case: reached bottom, value not found
    if (node == null) return false;

    int cmp = elem.compareTo(node.data);

    // Dig into the left subtree because the value we're
    // looking for is smaller than the current value
    if (cmp < 0) return contains(node.left, elem);

    // Dig into the right subtree because the value we're
    // looking for is greater than the current value
    else if (cmp > 0) return contains(node.right, elem);

    // We found the value we were looking for
    else return true;

  // Computes the height of the tree, O(n)
  public int height() {
    return height(root);

  // Recursive helper method to compute the height of the tree
  private int height(Node node) {
    if (node == null) return 0;
    return Math.max(height(node.left), height(node.right)) + 1;

  // This method returns an iterator for a given TreeTraversalOrder.
  // The ways in which you can traverse the tree are in four different ways:
  // preorder, inorder, postorder and levelorder.
  public java.util.Iterator<T> traverse(TreeTraversalOrder order) {
    switch (order) {
      case PRE_ORDER:
        return preOrderTraversal();
      case IN_ORDER:
        return inOrderTraversal();
      case POST_ORDER:
        return postOrderTraversal();
      case LEVEL_ORDER:
        return levelOrderTraversal();
        return null;

  // Returns as iterator to traverse the tree in pre order
  private java.util.Iterator<T> preOrderTraversal() {

    final int expectedNodeCount = nodeCount;
    final java.util.Stack<Node> stack = new java.util.Stack<>();

    return new java.util.Iterator<T>() {
      public boolean hasNext() {
        if (expectedNodeCount != nodeCount) throw new java.util.ConcurrentModificationException();
        return root != null && !stack.isEmpty();

      public T next() {
        if (expectedNodeCount != nodeCount) throw new java.util.ConcurrentModificationException();
        Node node = stack.pop();
        if (node.right != null) stack.push(node.right);
        if (node.left != null) stack.push(node.left);
        return node.data;

      public void remove() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  // Returns as iterator to traverse the tree in order
  private java.util.Iterator<T> inOrderTraversal() {

    final int expectedNodeCount = nodeCount;
    final java.util.Stack<Node> stack = new java.util.Stack<>();

    return new java.util.Iterator<T>() {
      Node trav = root;

      public boolean hasNext() {
        if (expectedNodeCount != nodeCount) throw new java.util.ConcurrentModificationException();
        return root != null && !stack.isEmpty();

      public T next() {

        if (expectedNodeCount != nodeCount) throw new java.util.ConcurrentModificationException();

        // Dig left
        while (trav != null && trav.left != null) {
          trav = trav.left;

        Node node = stack.pop();

        // Try moving down right once
        if (node.right != null) {
          trav = node.right;

        return node.data;

      public void remove() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  // Returns as iterator to traverse the tree in post order
  private java.util.Iterator<T> postOrderTraversal() {
    final int expectedNodeCount = nodeCount;
    final java.util.Stack<Node> stack1 = new java.util.Stack<>();
    final java.util.Stack<Node> stack2 = new java.util.Stack<>();
    while (!stack1.isEmpty()) {
      Node node = stack1.pop();
      if (node != null) {
        if (node.left != null) stack1.push(node.left);
        if (node.right != null) stack1.push(node.right);
    return new java.util.Iterator<T>() {
      public boolean hasNext() {
        if (expectedNodeCount != nodeCount) throw new java.util.ConcurrentModificationException();
        return root != null && !stack2.isEmpty();

      public T next() {
        if (expectedNodeCount != nodeCount) throw new java.util.ConcurrentModificationException();
        return stack2.pop().data;

      public void remove() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  // Returns as iterator to traverse the tree in level order
  private java.util.Iterator<T> levelOrderTraversal() {

    final int expectedNodeCount = nodeCount;
    final java.util.Queue<Node> queue = new java.util.LinkedList<>();

    return new java.util.Iterator<T>() {
      public boolean hasNext() {
        if (expectedNodeCount != nodeCount) throw new java.util.ConcurrentModificationException();
        return root != null && !queue.isEmpty();

      public T next() {
        if (expectedNodeCount != nodeCount) throw new java.util.ConcurrentModificationException();
        Node node = queue.poll();
        if (node.left != null) queue.offer(node.left);
        if (node.right != null) queue.offer(node.right);
        return node.data;

      public void remove() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


给你一个整数数组 nums ,其中元素已经按 升序 排列,请你将其转换为一棵平衡二叉搜索树。

class Solution {
    public TreeNode sortedArrayToBST(int[] nums) {
        return helper(nums, 0, nums.length - 1);

    public TreeNode helper(int[] nums, int left, int right) {
        if (left > right) {
            return null;

        // 总是选择中间位置左边的数字作为根节点
        int mid = (left + right) / 2;

        TreeNode root = new TreeNode(nums[mid]);
        root.left = helper(nums, left, mid - 1);
        root.right = helper(nums, mid + 1, right);
        return root;


public boolean isValidBST(TreeNode root) {
    return isValidBST(root, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE);

public boolean isValidBST(TreeNode node, long lower, long upper) {
  if (node == null) {
      return true;
  if (node.val <= lower || node.val >= upper) {
      return false;
  return isValidBST(node.left, lower, node.val) && isValidBST(node.right, node.val, upper);


给定一个二叉搜索树的根节点 root ,和一个整数 k ,请你设计一个算法查找其中第 k 小的元素(从 1 开始计数)。

class Solution {
    int i =0;TreeNode node=null;
    public int kthSmallest(TreeNode root, int k) {
        return node;

    private void indexOrder(TreeNode root){
        if(root == null) return;
        if(root.left != null) indexOrder(root.left);
        if(k==i) {node = root;return;}
        if(root.right != null) indexOrder(root.right);


给定二叉搜索树(BST)的根节点和一个值。 你需要在BST中找到节点值等于给定值的节点。 返回以该节点为根的子树。 如果节点不存在,则返回 NULL。

class Solution {
    // 递归,普通二叉树
    public TreeNode searchBST(TreeNode root, int val) {
        if (root == null || root.val == val) {
            return root;
        TreeNode left = searchBST(root.left, val);
        if (left != null) {
            return left;
        return searchBST(root.right, val);

class Solution {
    // 递归,利用二叉搜索树特点,优化
    public TreeNode searchBST(TreeNode root, int val) {
        if (root == null || root.val == val) {
            return root;
        if (val < root.val) {
            return searchBST(root.left, val);
        } else {
            return searchBST(root.right, val);



class Solution {
    TreeNode pre;// 记录上一个遍历的结点
    int result = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    public int getMinimumDifference(TreeNode root) {
       if(root==null)return 0;
       return result;
    public void traversal(TreeNode root){
            result = Math.min(result,root.val-pre.val);
        pre = root;


给定一个有相同值的二叉搜索树(BST),找出 BST 中的所有众数(出现频率最高的元素)。
假定 BST 有如下定义:
例如:给定 BST [1,null,2,2],返回[2].

class Solution {
    private int maxCount = 0; // 当前众数的最大频率
    private int currCount = 0; // 当前元素的频率
    private Integer prev = null; // 记录前一个节点的值
    private List<Integer> modes = new ArrayList<>(); // 存储众数

    public int[] findMode(TreeNode root) {
        return modes.stream().mapToInt(Integer::intValue).toArray();

    private void inorderTraversal(TreeNode root) {
        if (root == null) return;

        // 中序遍历:左

        // 中
        if (prev != null && root.val == prev) {
        } else {
            currCount = 1;

        if (currCount > maxCount) {
            maxCount = currCount;
        } else if (currCount == maxCount) {

        prev = root.val; // 更新 prev

        // 中序遍历:右


给定一个二叉搜索树, 找到该树中两个指定节点的最近公共祖先。
百度百科中最近公共祖先的定义为:“对于有根树 T 的两个结点 p、q,最近公共祖先表示为一个结点 x,满足 x 是 p、q 的祖先且 x 的深度尽可能大(一个节点也可以是它自己的祖先)。”
例如,给定如下二叉搜索树: root = [6,2,8,0,4,7,9,null,null,3,5]

class Solution {
  public TreeNode lowestCommonAncestor(TreeNode root, TreeNode p, TreeNode q) {
    if (root.val > p.val && root.val > q.val) return lowestCommonAncestor(root.left, p, q);
    if (root.val < p.val && root.val < q.val) return lowestCommonAncestor(root.right, p, q);
    return root;


给定二叉搜索树(BST)的根节点和要插入树中的值,将值插入二叉搜索树。 返回插入后二叉搜索树的根节点。 输入数据保证,新值和原始二叉搜索树中的任意节点值都不同。
注意,可能存在多种有效的插入方式,只要树在插入后仍保持为二叉搜索树即可。 你可以返回任意有效的结果。

class Solution {
    public TreeNode insertIntoBST(TreeNode root, int val) {
        if (root == null) return new TreeNode(val);
        TreeNode newRoot = root;
        TreeNode pre = root;
        while (root != null) {
            pre = root;
            if (root.val > val) {
                root = root.left;
            } else if (root.val < val) {
                root = root.right;
        if (pre.val > val) {
            pre.left = new TreeNode(val);
        } else {
            pre.right = new TreeNode(val);

        return newRoot;


给定一个二叉搜索树的根节点 root 和一个值 key,删除二叉搜索树中的 key 对应的节点,并保证二叉搜索树的性质不变。返回二叉搜索树(有可能被更新)的根节点的引用。
首先找到需要删除的节点; 如果找到了,删除它。 说明: 要求算法时间复杂度为 O(h),h 为树的高度。

// 解法1(最好理解的版本)
class Solution {
  public TreeNode deleteNode(TreeNode root, int key) {
    if (root == null) return root;
    if (root.val == key) {
      if (root.left == null) {//左子树为空
        return root.right;
      } else if (root.right == null) {//有子树为空
        return root.left;
      } else {
        TreeNode cur = root.right;
        while (cur.left != null) {
          cur = cur.left;
        cur.left = root.left;
        root = root.right;
        return root;
    if (root.val > key) root.left = deleteNode(root.left, key);
    if (root.val < key) root.right = deleteNode(root.right, key);
    return root;


给定一个二叉搜索树,同时给定最小边界L 和最大边界 R。通过修剪二叉搜索树,使得所有节点的值在[L, R]中 (R>=L) 。你可能需要改变树的根节点,所以结果应当返回修剪好的二叉搜索树的新的根节点。

class Solution {
    public TreeNode trimBST(TreeNode root, int low, int high) {
        if (root == null) {
            return null;
        if (root.val < low) {
            return trimBST(root.right, low, high);
        if (root.val > high) {
            return trimBST(root.left, low, high);
        // root在[low,high]范围内
        root.left = trimBST(root.left, low, high);
        root.right = trimBST(root.right, low, high);
        return root;


给出二叉 搜索 树的根节点,该树的节点值各不相同,请你将其转换为累加树(Greater Sum Tree),使每个节点 node 的新值等于原树中大于或等于 node.val 的值之和。
节点的左子树仅包含键 小于 节点键的节点。 节点的右子树仅包含键 大于 节点键的节点。 左右子树也必须是二叉搜索树。

class Solution {
    int sum;
    public TreeNode convertBST(TreeNode root) {
        sum = 0;
        return root;

    // 按右中左顺序遍历,累加即可
    public void convertBST1(TreeNode root) {
        if (root == null) {
        sum += root.val;
        root.val = sum;